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Isles of Atlantis


Seagulls they cry
They fly on the wind
When they're passing the high clouds to be free
Across the oceans far beyond the horizon
Far away, lies a land of mystery

Isles of Atlantis fare thee well
Your secrets and beauty are a tale to tell
Thousands of years, forgotten, in silence and in shades of blue
Isles of Atlantis fare thee well
Way down in the ocean, you cast your spell

Carried by the wind, you'll find a place
Somewhere by the pillars of Hercules
There they lie, the ancient ruins of Atlantis
The mysterious legend of Greece

Isles of Atlantis fare thee well
Your secrets and beauty are a tale to tell
Thousands of years, forgotten, in silence and in shades of blue
Isles of Atlantis fare thee well
Way down in the ocean, you cast your spell

Isles of Atlantis fare thee well
Way down in the ocean, you cast your spell
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