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Do you remember

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Each night I hear the jukebox playing
Good old melodies, my heart is swaying
I love that "sixties sound" forever
Sweet memories that for me can fade no more

We had joy, we had fun, when we hit the town together
Light-hearted and free, oh, you and me
And that first time we danced, you kissed me with temptation
And I was never, never ever kissed before

Do you remember? Oh, yes I do
Those crazy days, ah ah we were so young and blue
Do you remember? Oh, yes I do
Those precious moments when I fell in love with you

Do you remember? Oh, yes I do
Those precious moments when I fell in love with you

Let's dance, the jukebox plays forever
Like the early days we stick together
Inside the homesick blues is calling
'Cause the good old days ain't with us any more

We had joy, we had fun, when we hit the town together
Light-hearted and free, oh, you and me
And that first time we danced, you kissed me with temptation
And I was never, never ever kissed before

Do you remember? Oh, yes I do
Those crazy days, ah ah we were so young and blue
Do you remember? Oh, yes I do
Those precious moments when I fell in love with you

Do you remember? Oh, yes I do
Those crazy days, ah ah we were so young and blue
Do you remember? Oh, yes I do
Those precious moments when I fell in love with you

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