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Where the nightingales sing


Ooh hoo hoo
ooh-hoo-hoo hoo hoo
ooh hoo hoo hoo-hoo hoo hoo hoo

My countryside, you gave me everything you had
The sweet perfume of roses and the smell of baking bread
The black-tailed swallow on the wing and the village school so old
Your summer days were blazing hot and your winters icy cold

Where the nightingales sing
Seagulls fly on the wing
Where we spent our youth so long ago
Where we played in the park
And we kissed in the dark
I will always stay here where I belong

Where the nightingales sing
Seagulls fly on the wing
I will always be here even when I'm gone

How I recall, our childhood passed away
Messin' around the backyard
Hide and seek we used to play
My pockets full of jellybeans
That felt like bars of gold
Your summer days were blazing hot
And your winters icy cold

Where the nightingales sing
Seagulls fly on the wing
Where we spent our youth so long ago
(Long ago)
Where we played in the park
And we kissed in the dark
I will always stay here where I belong

Where the nightingales sing
Seagulls fly on the wing
I will always be here even when I'm gone

Where the nightingales sing
Seagulls fly on the wing
Where we spent our youth so long ago
Where we played in the park
Where we kissed in the dark
I will always stay here where I belong

Where the nightingales sing
Seagulls fly on the wing...


  • "Where the nightingales sing" is een versie van "Where the church-bells still ring", speciaal aangepast na de Nieuwjaarsbrand in Volendam in de nieuwjaarsnacht van 2000/2001.

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