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Sailor's delight

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

A dirty old shellback called Willy
And his friend little tarney McCoone
Sailed all the oceans, but now they're back in town
They joined in with gay dog McClover
A retired fishing man, but a swank
A thorough-paced scoudrel, who just threw his weight about

Together the kings of the backstreets
Together they live just for fun
Until the end of their days

A sailor's delight every night by the harbour
Where girls hang around with the men of the sea
Where old fishing men may tell their tall stories
Craving for gin and together they sing

A sailor's delight every night by the harbour
Where girls hang around with the men of the sea
Where old fishing men may tell their tall stories
Craving for gin and together they sing

Froth-crested waves on the oceans
They will bring them all over the world
To live in clover with all the girls in town
They grew up with rabble and rousers
A blind-alley life on the sea
They would end on the gallows, the price of the lives they lived

Together the kings of the backstreets
Together they live just for fun
Until the end of their days

A sailor's delight every night by the harbour
Where girls hang around with the men of the sea
Where old fishing men may tell their tall stories
Craving for gin and together they sing

A sailor's delight every night by the harbour
Where girls hang around with the men of the sea
Where old fishing men may tell their tall stories
Craving for gin and together they sing
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