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Silvery moon

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

You know it was funny
When you called me honey
I was singing the blues
My heart it was breaking
My hands they were shaking, didn't know what to do
Well, I had a bad time
But you made the sun shine
And I couldn't refuse
While you were holding me tight
We danced in the light of the silvery moon

There was love,
There was kissing
On the bay
Watch the winners,
Watch the losers,
Every day

Took my chance,
He was waiting
On the floor
I was dancing
And romancing,
Like never before

You know it was funny
When you called me honey
I was singing the blues
My heart it was breaking
My hands they were shaking, didn't know what to do
Well, I had a bad time
But you made the sun shine
And I couldn't refuse
While you were holding me tight
We danced in the light of the silvery moon

I felt so insecure
And now I know for sure
It's never happened before

There was no
In the night
I remember,
My surrender,
Oh, what a night

You know it was funny
When you called me honey
I was singing the blues
My heart it was breaking
My hands they were shaking, didn't know what to do
Well, I had a bad time
But you made the sun shine
And I couldn't refuse
While you were holding me tight
We danced in the light of the silvery moon
While you were holding me tight
We danced in the light of the silvery moon

Appears on:

Dutch albums
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