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Second autumn

(Th. Tol/C. Tol/J. Tuijp)

Tears awaking in my eyes
It's all because of rain is in the sky
Leaves are falling down the streets
O season of the wind, again we meet
I despise your influences
Look and find they're spread around
All those people in dejection
Put their heads into the ground
So leave my time
Leave my time

Summertime is hiding soon
And winters break through any time we meet
Hurricanes are blowing fast
They're hunting all the clouds who're nearly here
Angry oceans 'cause of you
Destroy the beaches and the ground
All passed kicks we get from you
Like swearing me by heavy sound
Leave my time
Leave my time

Where will you be gone, when there's summer
There's summer
Where will you be gone, when there's summer
There's summer

Where will you be gone, when there's summer
There's summer
Where will you be gone, when there's summer
There's summer

Seasons of the wind I sigh
Pois'ning all those tempers and the day
Though I'll never realize
You will always be there on your way

Summertime is hiding soon
And winters break through any time we meet
Hurricanes are blowing fast
They're hunting all the clouds who're nearly here
Angry oceans 'cause of you
Destroy the beaches and the ground
All passed kicks we get from you
Like swearing me by heavy sound
Leave my time
Leave my time
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