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The old calahan

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

Last night when I felt so lonely and so blue
I was playing that old time blues
The blues of old Calahan

Well he was born in Kentucky, far away
He would be soon the famest man
Kentucky ever knew

(everybody now)
I took my guitar and my old country fiddle
Played me a song of the old Calahan
He once was a star in the days of the union
We all know him as the old Calahan

(come on now)
Well he was poor with no penny to his name
There was sorrow and there was pain
But no one was to blame

He went to town, just a guitar in his hands
He made fortune and he got fame
At last he made the grade

(everybody now)
I took my guitar and my old country fiddle
Played me a song of the old Calahan
He once was a star in the days of the union
We all know him as the old Calahan
(play this song now)

Last night when I felt so lonely and so blue
I was playing that old time blues
The blues of old Calahan

So I can tell you wherever, my best friends
When you're lonely, when you're blue
Just play it like I do

(and everybody once more)
I took my guitar and my old country fiddle
Played me a song of the old Calahan
He once was a star in the days of the union
We all know him as the old Calahan
We all know him as the old Calahan

(come on everybody, sing it once more, yeah come on)
I took my guitar and my old country fiddle
Played me a song of the old Calahan
He once was a star in the days of the union
We all know him as the old Calahan
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