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My world is empty without you


I tried to order all my thoughts
Surrounded by gloom
Searching for some words to write to you
In the darkness of my room

But it ain't easy to express
How I feel today
'Cause words cannot explain my baby
The hurt and all the pain

My world is empty without you my dear
I believed our love was so sincere
I feel like I'm forsaken full of woe
Now our hearts no longer glow

My world is empty without you my love
Still you are the one I'm dreaming of
I remember how you touched my face
How we made love, how we embraced

I am beside myself tonight
With anger and with fear
I'm desperate, there's no way out
How I wish that you were here

I'm writing you this letter, darling
I hope it's not in vain
'Cause words cannot explain my baby
The hurt and all the pain

My world is empty without you my dear (empty without you)
I believed our love was so sincere (love was so sincere)
I feel like I'm forsaken full of woe (full of woe)
Now our hearts no longer glow

My world is empty without you my love (empty without you)
Still you are the one I'm dreaming of (still you are the one)
I remember how you touched my face (touched my face)
How we made love, how we embraced

My world is empty without you my love (empty without you)
You'll always be the one I'm dreaming of (you'll always be the one)
I hope one day that we will meet again (meet again)
No matter how, no matter when


  • Dit lied is in 2000 opgenomen voor het album "Out in the blue", maar is daarvoor nooit gebruikt. In 2012 is de opname van dit lied opgedoken in het BZN archief en uiteindelijk is het lied in 2015 voor het eerst uitgebracht.

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