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The music will never stop

(D. Plat/J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

If your baby's run away from you
And the tears roll from your eyes
Recall the darkest hour is right before the dawn

If he's left you with a broken heart
And your tears pour down like rain
Remember every cloud has got a silver lining too

Sing da da da and stir it up
Keep on smiling you buttercup
Sing da da da and stir it up
Then the music will never stop
Cupid's arrow's brought to bear on you
It's aimed at your heart, so don't be blue

If you feel you're in a dead-end street
And your fears are haunting you
Remember every cloud has got a silver lining too

Sing da da da and stir it up
Keep on smiling you buttercup
Sing da da da and stir it up
Then the music will never stop
Cupid's arrow's brought to bear on you
It's aimed at your heart, so don't be blue

Keep your heart up every day
Smile your tears away

Sing da da da and stir it up
Keep on smiling you buttercup
Sing da da da and stir it up
Then the music will never stop
Cupid's arrow's brought to bear on you
It's aimed at your heart, so don't be blue
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