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Maybe someday (audition demo)

(C. Tol/E. Woestenburg/J. Tuijp)

What brings the day tomorrow when we just can't find the way
What do we get tomorrow when we don't know what to say
All the fun we had is gone and the pretty girls around
I can't stand this life no more, so I cry and settle down

How would it be tomorrow when there's just another day
Yesterday I was in trouble and today it is the same
Would it be like every day when all the things are bad
Then I'm gonna ain't no more what I am living for

Maybe someday I'll cry on my own
Maybe one day I'll try all alone

What brings the day tomorrow when we just can't find the way
What do we get tomorrow when we don't know what to say
All the fun we had is gone and the pretty girls around
I can't stand this life no more, so I cry and settle down

Maybe someday I'll cry on my own
Maybe one day I'll try all alone
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