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Life is not a bed of roses

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

I never thought that it could happen to me
I never took a rise out of her
I always tagged a moral to a story
But then I met you and I lost control

It goes against the grain with me
To sell a person down the river
But it's true that's the price of loving you

Sometimes life is not a bed of roses
I see it in your eyes
They're not concealing lies
Stay the night
So we can talk it over
Let's make secret loves no secret anymore

It's sad to see you torn between two lovers
I want you near so stand up for me
No, I won't waste another word upon it
Although I cannot take it lying down

Never is a long long way
And my love for you grows stronger everyday
Make up your mind and come what may

Sometimes life is not a bed of roses
I see it in your eyes
They're not concealing lies
Stay the night
So we can talk it over
Let's make secret loves no secret anymore

Sometimes life is not a bed of roses
I see it in your eyes
They're not concealing lies
Stay the night
So we can talk it over
Let's make secret loves no secret anymore

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