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Like flying

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

They call me the dangerous lady
Reckless and crazy, a threat to the world
But my world spins round and around
It sounds like a blustering hurricane's moving
And I'm just a part of it too

My motorbike's running, it's O.K.
Speed down the highway, ahead to the sun
In my mind there's no limitation
It's a sensation, all of my friends come along
To be part of my world

It feels like flying, like flying
I am a pirate who runs to be free
It feels like flying, like flying
I may be a fool but for now we're off on a spree

It feels like flying, like flying
I may be a fool but for now we're off on a spree

I promise you, you won't regret it
If you just let it into your heart
For my world spins round and around
It sounds like a blustering hurricane's moving
And I'm just a part of it too

It feels like flying, like flying
I am a pirate who runs to be free
It feels like flying, like flying
I may be a fool but for now we're off on a spree

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