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Just say I'm home

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

To hide in pain, when your love is over
Feels like a blindness, when love is in vain
Beyond the isles we can start it over
So take me back, never let me down

Walking through the rain
Only silence, only pain
You were once my morning sun
Still I hear your voice, like the music that I play
Your eyes, they turned away

Just say I'm home
At last we may hope
And carry my life within your heart and your soul
For you are my love, my world

Just say I'm home
At last we may hope
And carry my life within your heart and your soul
For you are my love, my world

Lovers at first sight
Always watch the morninglight
Feeling they are right as rain
But so many times, it's so hard to feel the pain
When love has died away

Just say I'm home
At last we may hope
And carry my life within your heart and your soul
For you are my love, my world

Just say I'm home
At last we may hope
And carry my life within your heart and your soul
For you are my love, my world
And carry my life within your heart and your soul
For you are my love, my world

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