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Hazy lazy days of summer

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

On my way to the sunny places
To the girls with their smiling faces
Taking it easy, having fun
On the island in the sun.

Where blue waves keep on rolling
A cooling breeze is blowing
Makin' eyes at a girl on the boulevard
Get away in a fancy car.

When the sun goes down, well my heart keeps on burning
The starry nights, the taste of love, as sweet as red, red wine.

Hazy lazy days, the days of summer
Get so exciting, so we sing oh oh oh eh oh
Swing and sway around and dance the rumba
That nimble samba, and we sing oh oh oh eh oh, eh oh.

On the beach have a long tequila
Making up with the girl Sadila
Playing ball with the shells of a coconut
On the island in the sun.

When the sun goes down, well my heart keeps on burning
The starry nights, the taste of love, as sweet as red, red wine.

Hazy lazy days, the days of summer
Get so exciting, so we sing oh oh oh eh oh
Swing and sway around and dance the rumba
That nimble samba, and we sing oh oh oh eh oh, eh oh.

When the sun goes down, well my heart keeps on burning
The starry nights, the taste of love, as sweet as red, red wine.

Hazy lazy days, the days of summer
Get so exciting, so we sing oh oh oh eh oh
Swing and sway around and dance the rumba
That nimble samba, and we sing oh oh oh eh oh, eh oh.
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