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(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp)

A-haha-haha-ha ha-haha-haha
A-haha-haha-ha ha-haha-haha

A Russian farmer stands on the acres he owns,
Winter's over land, and the acres look stoned.


Once there was a time really fine, really fair,
'til there was a soldier to share honest share.


Roef na Djadja bi rosnof koeramididja,
Roef na Djadja bi rosnof koeramidja.

Roef na Djadja bi rosnof koeramididja,
Roef na Djadja bi rosnof koeramidja.

A-haha-haha-ha ha-haha-haha
A-haha-haha-ha ha-haha-haha

Birds below a cloud in the sky flying high,
Still the Russian farmers say why wonder why.


Roef na Djadja bi rosnof koeramididja,
Roef na Djadja bi rosnof koeramidja.

Roef na Djadja bi rosnof koeramididja,
Roef na Djadja bi rosnof koeramidja.
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