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(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Original lyrics (by Johan & Daisy Beckker)

S'ring ku bertemu
Seorang tua
Yang selalu
Senang dan bergembira
Terkejut aku
Melihat air matanya
Kalau ia ceritera
Tentang tempo dulu
Oh, desanya, indah dan permai
Ditinggal terlalu lama
Dengen suara yang serak
La bernyanyi saja
Lagu ini

Teringat masa yang lalu
Kini seorang diri
Hidup hanya kenangan
Tiada bisa kembali

Teringat masa yang lalu
Kini seorang diri
Hidup hanya kenangan
Tiada bisa kembali

Walau badanya
Usang dan tua
Harum bunga melati
Terkejut aku
Melihat air matanya
Kalau ia ceritera
Tentang tempo dulu
Oh, desanya, indah dan permai
Ditinggal terlalu lama
Dengen suara yang serak
La bernyanyi saja
Lagu ini

Teringat masa yang lalu
Kini seorang diri
Hidup hanya kenangan
Tiada bisa kembali

Teringat masa yang lalu
Kini seorang diri
Hidup hanya kenangan
Tiada bisa kembali

Teringat masa yang lalu
Kini seorang diri
Hidup hanya kenangan
Tiada bisa kembali
Hidup hanya kenangan
Tiada bisa kembali
English translation (by Johan Beckker): "Her village"

I often meet her,
An elderly Indian woman,
Who always
Was happy and cheerful
How it frightened me
When one day I saw her tears
While she told
Of the good old days
And her beautiful Indian village
That she left too long ago
With a hoarse, broken voice
She then started
To sing this song

I often think of those good old days
Now I'm lonely and alone
Life now is only memories
I could never return again

I often think of those good old days
Now I'm lonely and alone
Life now is only memories
I could never return again

Though her body is
Old and wore-down
She keeps yearning for
The scent of the Melati flower
How it frightened me
When one day I saw her tears
While she told
Of the good old days
And her beautiful Indian village
That she left too long ago
With a hoarse, broken voice
She then started
To sing this song

I often think of those good old days
Now I'm lonely and alone
Life now is only memories
I could never return again

I often think of those good old days
Now I'm lonely and alone
Life now is only memories
I could never return again

I often think of those good old days
Now I'm lonely and alone
Life now is only memories
I could never return again
Life now is only memories
I could never return again
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