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And then the tango played


Lights were low, that night in Mar del Plata,
stars lit up the Latin sky
I met you on, passeo Maritimo, down by the waterside

I caught your eye, and from that very moment
I lost my head all over you.
The way you talked brought sweet infatuation
So I soon fell for you

And then the tango played apasionado
it set my heart aflame, this dance of love
And then the tango played, muj bondadoso
we swept away into the arms of love

Late that night, I felt a deep desire
we took a stroll - and time just flew
Lost in love, the temperature rose higher,
we knew just what to do

and at last we extinguished the fire,
that burned deep down inside our hearts
but it didn't take away that strange desire
that I felt from the start

And then the tango played apasionado
it set my heart aflame, this dance of love
And then the tango played, muj bondadoso
we swept away into the arms of love

And then the tango played apasionado
it set my heart aflame, this dance of love
And then the tango played, muj bondadoso
we swept away into the arms of love

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