Frequently Asked Questions
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  1. Why can't I post in the Discussion Forum or Trades & Sales section?
    Before you can post or reply in the Discussion Forum or Trades & Sales section, you must register yourself as a user of the site. You can register yourself any time from a login screen.

  2. I have registered, but I cannot log in. What should I do?
    If you have registered, you should have received an E-mail with your personal security code. You must enter this security code exactly as it is sent to you. Lower case and upper case characters are considered to be different.

  3. The security code I received is too difficult to remember. Can I change it?
    Yes. On the left side, below all categories, there is a little orange folder. When you click this, you can change your user profile, including your security code.

  4. I forgot my security code. How can I get it again?
    To have your security code resent to you, just fill out the registration form again. The currently registered code is then e-mailed to the entered address.

  5. I have a nice picture for the photo gallery. Where can I send it?
    An interesting photo can be sent to:
    BZN Online,
    Margriethof 57,
    3355 EK  Papendrecht
    The Netherlands

    Please add the following information (as far as possible):
    • The exact date when the photo was made
    • The name of the photographer
    • The location where the photo was made
    • A short description of what can be seen on it
    Photos sent in this way become the property of BZN Online, unless you insist them to be returned. If you want a photo returned, include a self addressed and postage paid envelope.

  6. I don't want to send a photo by mail. Can I E-mail it?
    Photos can be E-mailed. Photos placed on the site are never more than 350 pixels wide or 350 pixels high, therefore do not send photos that are extremely large. Use the webmaster's address to submit photos.
    Please add the following information (as far as possible):
    • The exact date when the photo was made
    • The name of the photographer
    • The location where the photo was made
    • A short description of what can be seen on it

  7. I have sent a photo for the gallery, but why is it not placed?
    Any photo that is sent in has to add something new to already available photos. It is the sole judgement of the webmaster to place the photo or not. All submitted photos are stored and kept available for eventual changes in the gallery.
    The quality of a photo submitted by E-mail can also be too less to use it on the site. In some cases the submitter will be asked to send the photo again in a better quality.

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