Frequently Asked Questions
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  1. In what stores can I buy BZN CDs and videos?
    BZN CDs and videos are available in most record stores in The Netherlands and Belgium. In other countries they are hard to obtain in regular record stores.

  2. Can I buy BZN CDs and videos on the Internet?
    Yes. On BZN Online, the official BZN Internet site (, you can buy all their available albums and videos.
    You can pay by sending cash money or personal checks or by a direct money transfer.

  3. In what stores can I buy BZN merchandising?
    Nowhere. BZN merchandising is not sold in any store.

  4. Can I buy BZN merchandising at concerts?
    Yes. At the concerts in the larger locations, merchandising is sold together with CDs and videos of the band.

  5. Can I buy BZN merchandising on the Internet?
    No. At the moment it is not possible to buy merchandising through the Internet.

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