Frequently Asked Questions
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  1. Why this FAQ?
    This FAQ is intended to answer the frequently asked questions in order to minimize the number of E-mails sent to the webmaster of BZN Online.

  2. Where can I find the FAQ?
    The latest version of this FAQ can always be found on the official BZN site, located on You can load the FAQ directly by pointing your browser to

  3. May I copy the FAQ?
    You may freely copy and/or print the FAQ for your own personal use, as is the case for the entire contents of BZN Online.

  4. May I place the FAQ on my own site?
    No, you may not freely place the FAQ on your own site. All content of BZN Online, including the FAQ, are copyrighted and therefore may not be freely re-distributed. If you want to place the FAQ on your own site, please write an E-mail to the webmaster containing the request and the URL of your site. A positive answer from the webmaster (per E-mail) will suffice.
    In no way may the copied FAQ be altered. The entire contents must be copied.

  5. When was this FAQ updated?
    This version of the FAQ was updated on October 16, 2007.

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