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Going back in time III

  1. The most beautiful girl
    [ Rory Bourke / Wilson Norris / Billy Sherrill ]
  2. American pie
    [ Don McLean ]
  3. It never rains in southern California
    [ Albert Hammond / Mike Hazlewood ]
  4. Here comes my baby
    [ Cat Stevens ]
  5. A rhinestone cowboy
    [ Larry Weiss ]
  6. Unchained melody
    [ Alex North / Hy Zaret ]
  7. Arms of Mary
    [ Ian Sutherland ]
  8. Ring of fire
    [ June Carter / Merle Kilgore ]
  9. You got it
    [ Roy Orbison / Jeff Lynne / Tom Petty ]
  10. On the wings of a nightingale
    [ Paul McCartney ]
  11. He'll have to go
    [ Audrey Allison / Joe Allison ]
  12. If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me
    [ David A. Bellamy ]
  13. Blanket on the ground
    [ Roger Bowling ]
  14. Lucille
    [ Roger Bowling / Hal Bynum ]
  15. Take me home, country roads
    [ Bill Danoff / John Denver / Taffy Nivert ]
  16. Always on my mind
    [ Johnny Christopher / Mark James / Wayne Carson Thompson ]


1) Dit album is een soloproject van Jan Keizer.

Landen, Beloningen en Labels

  • CD: Universal Music 986 878-2 (nog verkrijgbaar)

Release Data

Nederland: 29 oktober 2004


NL Album Top 100
Hoogste Wkn 2004 8-11 15-11 22-11 29-11 6-12 13-12 20-12 27-12 2005 3-1 10-1 17-1 24-1
30 12 ? 37 43 45 42 37 33 31 30 ? 36 59 76 83

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